How to Add Arbitrum to MetaMask Wallet
Arbitrum is the layer 2 scaling support for ETH that offers low-price and quick transactions when maintaining the safety of the ETH network. The simplest and best method to add the Arbitrum One network to the MetaMask Wallet is by utilizing the Chainlist Application. ChainList supports the EVM network aggregator that offers the authorized RPC details of ETH-based chains.
Introducing MetaMask
MetaMask is a virtual currency wallet that joins by default to the ETH mainnet. Users can get the smartphone app and extension on the official MetaMask website.
To connect with the networks such as Arbitrum, you must add blockchain details to MetaMask. This includes a custom RPC URL, a chain ID, and a network name. To deposit the Arbitrum token, you must import the token address.
Connecting MetaMask to new blockchains is a transferable skill, and users can apply the skill to add EVM networks such as BNB Smart Chain and Polygon.
How to Install and Set Up MetaMask
- MetaMask supports Chrome, Android, or iOS. Ensure you are using the official MetaMask website to download the legitimate extension.
- Once you install the extension, you must hit the Get Started button on the homepage.
- If you need a new wallet, tap the Create a Wallet tab. Also, you can import your existing wallet using the seed phrase.
- You can do that now to share anonymous data usage with MetaMask. Refusing or accepting this won’t affect wallet usage.
- Then, you must set up a strong password for the wallet and press the Create button.
- After selecting the password, you will see your seed phrase. Tap on the lock to check the phrase and jot down the words correctly. Keep your phrase safe, and don’t share it with anyone.
- You should repeat the seed phrase by choosing the words in the right sequence.
- Your wallet is now ready to use. Hit the All Done tab to see your wallet.
How to Add Arbitrum to MetaMask Wallet
Go through the short and easy procedure below to connect the Arbitrum network to MetaMask.
- To start with, you must move to the ChainList website and connect to the MetaMask Wallet.
- Then, search for Arbitrum One in the search box at the top of the main page.
- Now, hit the Add to MetaMask tab, and the authorized RPC information will automatically add to the extension.
What is Arbitrum One
The Arbitrum network provides the layer 2 scaling solution for the ETH blockchain. It offers rapid and low-cost transfers while maintaining the safety of the ETH mainchain. A technology called Rollups creates this network which permits on-chain verification and off-chain computation.
Rollups are an L2 scaling solution that grants for implementing smart contracts off-chain, decreasing the data users must store on the ETH main chain. This leads to cheaper and more rapid transactions because off-chain computation becomes faster and cheaper than on-chain computation.
The network uses a distinctive approach to Rollup. It utilizes the combination of a digital machine, AVM (Arbitrum Virtual Machine), and a Rollup chain to perform smart contracts. The AVM enables the implementation of smart contracts off-chain. In contrast, the Rollup chain ensures the integrity and safety of the off-chain computations by offering a mechanism for the on-chain validation.
Important Features of Arbitrum Network
EVM compatibility
Arbitrum is an EVM-compatible rollup. It supports EVM at the bytecode, and the language that can gather to EVM works out of the box, like Solidity and Vyper. This makes it simple to build on, as developers don’t have to get to grips with the new language before developing on Arbitrum.
Robust developer tooling
The Arbitrum team is trying to do its best to minimize the hurdles for entry in terms of building on the layer 2 solutions. They have created detailed developer documentation for Arbitrum, and the creators can begin using existing tooling for ETH. Users don’t have to download anything certain to Arbitrum, like plugins or compilers such as Truffle or Hardth.
Low Fees
As an L2 scaling solution for ETH, Arbitrum is not only created to boost the transactional throughput of ETH, but it lowers the transaction charge.
Because of its efficient roll-up technology, Arbitrum can cut fees to a small fraction of what they’re on ETH while offering enough incentives for validators.
Well-designed ecosystem
Arbitrum works with many ETH DApps and infrastructure projects, such as Uniswap, Sushi, DODO, etc.
Also Read: How to Install MetaMask Wallet: A Step by Step Guide
Final Verdict
Arbitrum One is a leading L2 scaling solution for the ETH blockchain that grants quicker and cost-effective transactions. By connecting the Arbitrum network to MetaMask, you can enjoy the advantages of this advanced technology smoothly. The ChainList application eases the procedure of adding Arbitrum Network to MetaMask, enabling you to interact and access the Arbitrum chain in a few minutes. With the distinctive approach to Rollups, the Arbitrum network has the potential for the future of blockchain technology and decentralized finance.